Grand Lecturer Staff
R.W. Otis Wilson
Deputy Grand Lecturer (Emeritus),
Deputy Grand Parliamentarian
Ritualistic Works
R.W. Charles Hobson, Sr.
Deputy Grand Lecturer,
Masonic Education
RW Alfred Smith
Deputy Grand Lecturer at-Large
R.W. Alfred Boseman, II
Deputy Grand Lecturer at-Large
R.W. Kevin Collins
Northern and Baltimore Regional Grand Lecturer
R.W. Bernard F. Dent III
Assistant Grand Lecturer
R.W. Craig Stewart
Southern Regional Grand Lecturer
R.W. Ron’Nel Owens
Assistant Grand Lecturer
R.W. Stefhon Henry
Assistant Grand Lecturer
R.W. Alvin J. Pinkney
Assistant Grand Lecturer
Bro. John Countryman
R.W. James Lyons
Western Regional Grand Lecturer
R.W. Charles Hobson, Jr.
Assistant Grand Lecturer
P.M. Steven Campbell
R.W. Howard Price,
Eastern Regional Grand Lecturer
R.W. Orlando McElroy
Assistant Grand Lecturer
R.W. Stanley Conyer
Director, Membership Relations Committee
PGM Kenneth Cloud
Grand Lecturer (Emeritus)
PGM Maurice Wood, Jr.
Deputy Grand Lecturer (Emeritus)
PGM Jessie J. Shanks
Regional Grand Lecturer (Emeritus)
R.W. Otis Wilson
Deputy Grand Lecturer (Emeritus)
R.W. Oliver L. Willis
Deputy Grand Lecturer (Emeritus)
R.W. Roosevelt Jordan
Regional Grand Lecturer (Emeritus)
R.W. Gregory C. Daniels
Assistant Grand Lecturer (Emeritus)
R.W. Ronald I. Sloan
Grand Instructor (Emeritus)
R.W. Matt Jones
Assistant to the Grand Lecturer
WSOI Staff
R. W. Bernard F. Dent III
Deputy Director of Masonic Education
WSOI- Western Region
R.W. James H. Lyons – Senior Grand Instructor
R.W. Charles Hobson, Jr. – Grand Instructor
PM Steven Campbell – Instructor-In-Training
WSOI- Southern Region
R.W. Jerome Johnson – Senior Grand Instructor
R.W. Michael E. White – Grand Instructor
R.W. Eric Jones – Grand Instructor
WSOI- Northern Region
R.W. Everett Chambers – Senior Grand Instructor
W.M. Christopher Lewis-El – Grand Instructor
R.W. Akoni S. Vaughn – Grand Instructor
R.W. Edward White – Instructor-in-Training
WSOI- Eastern Region
TBD – Senior Grand Instructor
TBD ‐ Grand Instructor